Natalie Quirion

The art of innovation

Natalie graduated from Laval University with a degree in Business Administration, and since then, she has had a long and varied career in driving technology, and developmental projects. 

Natalie played a strategic role and managed the Quebec Metropolitan High Tech Park in Quebec City for 20 years, dealing with all aspects of running a significant public organization. Her role involved dealing with start-ups, established local and foreign corporations, as well as governmental agencies and universities.

In 2019, she founded her own company, Opportuna Conseil, which promotes and steers collaborative work using multidisciplinary teams and cutting-edge expertise making dreams reality. 

Natalie’s values guide Opportuna Conseil, which are collaboration, authenticity, innovation and sustainable development.

Natalie also works with many organizations that promote innovation, transfer knowledge, and ensure cohesion between different backgrounds and skill-sets on collaborative projects. 

Natalie has been involved in various associations and has sat on prestigious boards such as the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP), Zones Québec Innovation, l’Association des professionnels en développement économique du Québec (APDEQ), l’Université Laval et les Fonds de recherche du Québec.


Creation of the BioFood Research and Innovation Center



Quantum Innovation Zone mm